diff --git a/extras/scripts/create_structure_files.php b/extras/scripts/create_structure_files.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..045e4106c19e565535e0bfd2316995f97af2b995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/scripts/create_structure_files.php
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * Adds strucutre file to root of compound ojects.
+ * path_to_directory_containing_compound_objects\
+ *    compound_object_1\
+ *    compound_object_2\
+ *    compound_object_3\
+ *    .
+ *    .
+ *    .
+ *
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * > php create_strcutre_files.php path_to_directory_containing_compound_objects 
+ * 
+ *
+ *
+ */ 
+$target_directory = trim($argv[1]);
+    exit("Please check that you have provided a full path to a directory as the input argument." . PHP_EOL);
+$path_to_xsl =  "tree_to_compound_object.xsl";
+scanWrapperDirectory($target_directory, 'structure', $path_to_xsl);
+// For use with use with get_dir_name(), which is used inside XSLT.
+$compound_obj_path = '';
+function scanWrapperDirectory($target_directory, $structurefilename = 'structure', $path_to_xsl) {
+    //  basenames to exclude.
+    $exclude_array = array('..', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db', '.');
+    $stuffinwrapperdirectory = scandir($target_directory);
+    foreach ($stuffinwrapperdirectory as $compoundObjectOrFile) {
+        $objpath = $target_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $compoundObjectOrFile;
+        if(!in_array($compoundObjectOrFile, $exclude_array) && is_dir($objpath)) {
+           global $compound_obj_path;
+           $compound_obj_path = $objpath;
+           // subdirectories of wrapper directory will be compound object.
+           // create a structure file for each.
+           $structure_xml = compoundObjectStructureXML($objpath);
+           // Apply XSLT
+           $structure_xml = treeToCompound($path_to_xsl, $structure_xml);
+           $structure_xml_output_file_path = $objpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 
+                                            . $structurefilename . '.xml';
+           file_put_contents($structure_xml_output_file_path, $structure_xml);
+        }
+    }
+function treeToCompound($path_to_xsl, $tree_output_xml) {
+    // Usage: php tree_to_compound.php tree_to_compound_object.xsl tree_output.xml
+    $xsl = $path_to_xsl;
+    // tree_output_xml is an xml string.
+    $xml = $tree_output_xml;
+    $xsl_doc = new DOMDocument();
+    $xsl_doc->load($xsl);
+    $xml_doc = new DOMDocument();
+    $xml_doc->loadXML($xml);
+    $xslt_proc = new XSLTProcessor();
+    $xslt_proc->importStylesheet($xsl_doc);
+    $xslt_proc->registerPHPFunctions();
+    $output = $xslt_proc->transformToXML($xml_doc);
+    return $output;
+ * Removes path segments leading up to the last segment.
+ *
+ * Called from within the XSLT stylesheet.
+ */
+function get_dir_name() {
+    //global $input_dir;
+    //global  $target_directory;
+    global $compound_obj_path;
+    $input_dir = $compound_obj_path;
+    $dir_path = preg_replace('/(\.*)/', '', $input_dir);
+    $dir_path = rtrim($dir_path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+    $base_dir_pattern = '#^.*' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '#';
+    $dir_path = preg_replace($base_dir_pattern, '', $dir_path);
+    $dir_path = ltrim($dir_path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+    echo $dir_path;
+    return $dir_path;
+ * Recursively create XML string of directory structure/
+ * Based on psuedo-code from http://stackoverflow.com/a/15096721/850828 
+ */
+function directoryXML($directory_path) {
+    //  basenames to exclude.
+    $exclude_array = array('..', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db', '.');
+    $dir_name = basename($directory_path);
+    $xml = "<directory name='" . $dir_name . "'>";
+    $pathbase = pathinfo($directory_path, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
+    $stuffindirectory = scandir($directory_path);
+    foreach($stuffindirectory as $subdirOrfile){
+        $subdirOrfilepath = $directory_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR  . $subdirOrfile;
+        if(!in_array($subdirOrfile, $exclude_array) && is_file($subdirOrfilepath)){
+          $xml .= "<file name='". $subdirOrfile . "' />";
+        }
+        if(!in_array($subdirOrfile, $exclude_array) && is_dir($subdirOrfilepath)){
+            $xml .= directoryXML($subdirOrfilepath);        
+        }
+    }
+    $xml .= "</directory>";
+    return $xml;
+function compoundObjectStructureXML($dir_path) {
+    $xmlstring = "<tree>";
+    $xmlstring .= directoryXML($dir_path);
+    $xmlstring .= "</tree>";
+    $xml = new DOMDocument( "1.0");
+    $xml->loadXML($xmlstring);
+    $xml->formatOutput = true;
+    return $xml->saveXML();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/scripts/tree_to_compound_object.xsl b/extras/scripts/tree_to_compound_object.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b046a98806afe11fe6c92071daf445bb38f17b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/scripts/tree_to_compound_object.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"  xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+  xmlns:php="http://php.net/xsl" xsl:extension-element-prefixes="php" exclude-result-prefixes="xsl xsi php">
+  <!-- XSLT stylesheet to convert the output of the 'tree' utility into XML that represents the structure
+       of an Islandora compound object. Called by the generate_compound_structure_file.php post-write hook
+       script Used by the MIK CSV compound toolchain. -->
+  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8" indent="yes"/>
+  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
+  <xsl:template match="tree/directory">
+  <xsl:comment>Islandora compound structure file generated by MIK. On batch ingest, 'parent' elements
+    will become compound objects, and 'child' elements will become their children. Files in
+    directories named in child elements' 'content' attribute will be added as their datastreams.
+    If 'parent' elements do not contain a MODS.xml file, the value of the 'parent' 'title'
+    attribute will be used as the parent's title/label.</xsl:comment>
+    <islandora_compound_object >
+      <xsl:attribute name="title">
+        <xsl:value-of select="php:function('get_dir_name')" />
+      </xsl:attribute>
+      <xsl:apply-templates/>
+   </islandora_compound_object>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- We aren't intersted in these nodes, so apply an empty template to them. -->
+  <xsl:template match="report|directories|files"/>
+  <xsl:template match="directory">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="count(file) > 1">
+        <child content="{./@name}"/>
+          <xsl:apply-templates/>
+      </xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise>
+        <parent title="{./@name}">
+          <xsl:apply-templates/>
+        </parent>
+      </xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
diff --git a/includes/preprocessor.inc b/includes/preprocessor.inc
index bdde9d15430feee0e33aef7c9fb9004800238f1b..a4f00ed7240b0ed607d7fa4f61671d21aa830fb6 100644
--- a/includes/preprocessor.inc
+++ b/includes/preprocessor.inc
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
   // prefixed flag for outputing echo or print statements  
-  protected $icbp_verbose = false;
+  protected $icbp_verbose = FALSE;
    * Function to get the OBJ XML files from the input directory.
   public function preprocess() {
     if (strtolower($this->parameters['icbp_verbose']) == 'true') {
-        $this->icbp_verbose = true;
+        $this->icbp_verbose = TRUE;
     //$input_path = $this->parameters['target'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.xml';
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
     foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
         $filePath = $fileinfo->getPathname();
         $fileExtension = pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+        $fileNameWithExtension = basename($filePath);
         $isObjFile = $cbUtilities->extInContentModelMap($fileExtension);
         if ($fileinfo->isFile() && $isObjFile) {
             $batch_object = new IslandoraCompoundBatchObject($this->connection, $filePath, $this->parameters);
@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
             //$files[] = $filePath;
             $added[]= $batch_object;
-        if ($fileExtension == 'cpd') {
+        if ($fileNameWithExtension == 'structure.xml' /*$fileExtension == 'cpd'*/) {
             // The structure file will be in the root directory of the compound object.
             // We need to create a parent wrapper object to associate the OBJ child objects too.
             // Along with the structure file in the root directory of the compound object
@@ -70,9 +71,9 @@ class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
             $compound_object_pid = $this->addToDatabase($batch_object);
             //echo "Return Value: $returnvalue" . PHP_EOL;
-            $this->addCompoundStrcuture($filePath, $compound_object_pid);
+            //$this->addCompoundStrcuture($filePath, $compound_object_pid);
+            $this->addStrcutureData($filePath, $compound_object_pid);
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
    * Echos statement if icbp_verbose property is true (set using --icbp_verbose drush option)
   public function icbpecho($string) {
-     if ($this->icbp_verbose == true){
+     if ($this->icbp_verbose == TRUE) {
         echo $string;  
@@ -148,5 +149,68 @@ class IslandoraCompoundBatchPreprocessor extends IslandoraBatchPreprocessor {
     } // End of addCompoundStrcuture
+   /**
+   *  Parses structure.xml file and adds data to the islandora_compound_batch database table
+   *  
+   */
+   public function addStrcutureData($structure_file_path, $compound_object_pid) {
+        static $object_num = 0;
+        $batch_id = $this->getSetId();
+        // Object ID is the batch set ID concatenated with the object number.
+        $object_id = $batch_id . $object_num;
+        // Increment 
+        $object_num++;
+        $doc = new DOMDocument();
+        $doc->load($structure_file_path);
+        /*
+            <islandora_compound_object title="895">
+                  <child content="893"/>
+                  <child content="894"/>
+            </islandora_compound_object>
+        */
+        $wanted_tags = array('child');
+        foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('*') as $node) {
+            if (in_array($node->nodeName, $wanted_tags)) {
+                $this->icbpecho("Node name:\t" . $node->nodeName . "\n");
+                if ($node->nodeName == 'child') {
+                    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+                    $pointers = $xpath->query('@content', $node);
+                    //var_dump($pointers);
+                    $pointer = $pointers->item(0);
+                    $this->icbpecho("Page pointer:\t" . $pointer->nodeValue . "\n");
+                    $pointerValue = $pointer->nodeValue;
+                }
+                $path = $node->getNodePath();
+                $this->icbpecho("Path:\t\t$path\n");
+                $parentNode = $node->parentNode;
+                $this->icbpecho("Parent path:\t" . $parentNode->getNodePath() . "\n\n");
+                $parentNode = trim($parentNode->getNodePath());
+                $insert_result = db_insert('islandora_compound_batch')
+                    ->fields(array(
+                        'object_id' => $object_id,
+                        'object_xpath' => $path,
+                        'parent_xpath' => $parentNode,                   
+                        'pageptr' => $pointerValue,
+                        'parent_pid' => $compound_object_pid,
+                        'batch_id' => $batch_id            
+               ))->execute();
+              $this->icbpecho("Insert Result: $insert_result" . PHP_EOL);
+            }
+        }       
+    } // End of addStrcutureData
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/utilities.inc b/includes/utilities.inc
index 041757e0442d1a6035ec935504d8ff8ca7101efc..6c8cba1533a603a22d4193a2d301ae6fe3f6adee 100644
--- a/includes/utilities.inc
+++ b/includes/utilities.inc
@@ -103,5 +103,51 @@ class Utilies {
+    /** 
+     * Recursively create XML string of directory structure/
+     * Based on psuedo-code from http://stackoverflow.com/a/15096721/850828 
+     */
+    private function directoryXML($directory_path) {
+        //  basenames to exclude.
+        $exclude_array = array('..', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db', '.');
+        $dir_name = basename($directory_path);
+        $xml = "<directory name='" . $dir_name . "'>";
+        $pathbase = pathinfo($directory_path, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
+        $stuffindirectory = scandir($directory_path);
+        foreach ($stuffindirectory as $subdirOrfile) {
+            $subdirOrfilepath = $directory_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdirOrfile;
+            if (!in_array($subdirOrfile, $exclude_array) && is_file($subdirOrfilepath)) {
+              $xml .= "<file name='" . $subdirOrfile . "' />";        
+            }
+            if (!in_array($subdirOrfile, $exclude_array) && is_dir($subdirOrfilepath)) {
+                $xml .= directoryXML($subdirOrfilepath);        
+            }
+        }
+        $xml .= "</directory>";
+        return $xml;
+    }
+    public function createStructureXML($target_directory) {
+        $xmlstring = "<tree>";
+        $xmlstring .= $this->directoryXML($target_directory);
+        $xmlstring .= "</tree>";
+        $xml = new DOMDocument( "1.0");
+        $xml->loadXML($xmlstring);
+        $xml->formatOutput = TRUE;
+        return $xml->saveXML();        
+    }
\ No newline at end of file